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Perl/PPCs/README の翻訳


This repository is for *Requests For Comments* - proposals to change the Perl language. This repository is for *Proposed Perl Changes* - proposals to change the Perl language.

このリポジトリは、Perlの変更提案(Proposed Perl Changes)です。 - Perl言語を変更するための提案

Right now, we're [trialling the process](docs/process.md). If you would like to submit a feature request, please [email an *elevator pitch*](mailto:perl5-porters@perl.org) - a short message with 4 paragraphs:


1. Here is a problem 2. Here is the syntax that I'm proposing 3. Here are the benefits of this 4. Here are potential problems
  1. どこが問題か
  2. 提案する構文
  3. そのメリット
  4. 潜在的な問題点
and if a "paragraph" is 1 sentence, great.


That will be enough to make it obvious whether the idea is


0) actually a **bug** - a change we'd also consider back porting to maintenance releases (so should be a opened as [*Report a Perl 5 bug*](https://github.com/Perl/perl5/issues/new/choose)) 0) worth drafting an PPC for 0) better on CPAN first 0) "nothing stops you putting it on CPAN, but it doesn't seem viable"
  • 0) 実際にバグである - メンテナンスリリースへの変更も考慮すべき変更(そのため、*Report a Perl 5 bug*のようにオープンであるべき)
  • 0) PPCを作成する価値がある
  • 0) まずCPANに置いた方が良い
  • 0) "CPANに置くことを止められないが、実現できるとは思えない"
You don't need to subscribe to the list to send an idea (or see updates). By keeping all discussion there during the trial, we can see if the process works as hoped, and fix the parts that don't.


Please **don't** submit ideas as *issues* or *PRs* on this repository. (We can disable issues, but not PRs). Please follow the instructions above.


These files describe the process we are trialling


* [motivation.md](docs/motivation.md) - why do we want to do something * [process.md](docs/process.md) - the initial version of the process * [template.md](docs/template.md) - the PPC template * [future.md](docs/future.md) - how we see the process evolving * [others.md](docs/others.md) - what others do (or did), and what we can learn from them
  • motivation.md - 何がしたいのか
  • process.md - このプロセスの初期バージョン
  • template.md - このPPCのテンプレート
  • future.md - このプロセスの今後のイメージ
  • others.md - what others do (or did), and what we can learn from them
## The Tracker


The status of proposals is tracked in "[the PPC Tracker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hVOS7ePuLbVkYcf5S-e_eAodj4izm9Cj7AVs25HvngI)", a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Keep up to date there!

提案のステータスは、次のスプレッドシートで追跡できます。the PPC Tracker ここで最新の情報を入手しましょう!