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Perl/PPCs/ppcs/ppc0004 defer block の翻訳


原題は、「Deferred block syntax」です

Deferred block syntax


Preämble 序文


Author:  Paul Evans <PEVANS>
ID:      0004
Status:  Implemented

Abstract 要約

Add a new control-flow syntax written as `defer { BLOCK }` which enqueues a block of code for later execution, when control leaves its surrounding scope for whatever reason.

defer { BLOCK }と記述する新たな制御フロー構文を追加します。この構文は、コードブロックを遅延実行するため、キューにコードブロックを追加し、スコープを抜けた際にそのコードブロックを実行します。

Motivation 動機

Sometimes a piece of code performs some sort of "setup" operation, that requires a corresponding "teardown" to happen at the end of its task. Control flow such as exception throwing, or loop controls, means that it cannot always be written in a simple style such as


as in this case, if the `operation` function throws an exception the teardown does not take place. Traditional solutions to this often rely on allocating a lexical variable and storing an instance of some object type with a `DESTROY` method, so this runs the required code as a result of object destruction caused by variable cleanup. There are no in-core modules to automate this process, but the CPAN module `Scope::Guard` is among the more popular choices. It would be nice to offer a native core syntax for this common behaviour. A simple `defer { BLOCK }` syntax removes from the user any requirement to think about storing the guard object in a lexical variable, or worry about making sure it really does get released at the right time. This syntax has already been implemented as a CPAN module, [`Syntax::Keyword::Defer`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Syntax::Keyword::Defer). This PPC formalizes an attempt implement the same in core.


この一般的な振る舞いがネイティブのコアの構文として提供できれば良さそうです。defer { BLOCK }と書くだけで良ければ、ガードオブジェクトをレキシカル変数に保存することや、適切なタイミングに本当にリリースされたか心配する必要がなくなります。


Rationale 提案理由

((TODO - I admit I'm not very clear on how to split my wording between the Motivation section, and this one)) The name "defer" comes from a collection of other languages. Near-identical syntax is provided by Swift, Zig, Jai, Nim and Odin. Go does define a `defer` keyword that operates on a single statement, though its version defers until the end of the containing function, not just a single lexical block. I did consider this difference, but ended up deciding that a purely-lexical scoped nature is cleaner and more "Perlish", overriding the concerns that it differs from Go.

((TODO - 動機の段落とこの段落の言葉を私は明確に区別できてないです。))


Specification 仕様

A new lexically-scoped feature bit, requested as


use feature 'defer';
enables new syntax, spelled as


defer { BLOCK }
This syntax stands alone as a full statement; much as e.g. a `while` loop does. The deferred block may contain one or multiple statements. When the `defer` statement is encountered during regular code execution, nothing immediately happens. The contents of the block are stored by the perl interpreter, enqueued to be invoked at some later time, when control exits the block this `defer` statement is contained within. If multiple `defer` statements appear within the same block, the are eventually executed in LIFO order; that is, the most recently encountered is the first one to run:




  defer { say "This runs second"; teardown1(); }

  defer { say "This runs first"; teardown2(); }
`defer` statements are only "activated" if the flow of control actually encounters the line they appear on (as compared to `END` phaser blocks which are activated the moment they have been parsed by the compiler). If the `defer` statement is never reached, then its deferred code will not be invoked:

deferステートメントは、その行が、実際に制御フローで現れた時のみ"活性化"されます。(コンパイラが解析すれば活性化されるENDブロックとは異なります。) もし、deferステートメントに到達しない場合、遅延されたコードは呼び出されません。

while(1) {
  defer { say "This will happen"; }
  defer { say "This will *NOT* happen"; }
((TODO: It is currently not explicitly documented, but naturally falls out of the current implementation of both the CPAN and the in-core versions, that the same LIFO stack that implements `defer` also implements other things such as `local` modifications; for example:

*((TODO: 現時点では明確にドキュメント化されていませんが、CPANバージョンとコアバージョンの両方の現状の実装から自然と次のことが導かれます。deferが実装しているLIFOスタックによって、localによる変更など他のものも実装しています。例えば、次のコードをみてください。

our $var = 1;
  defer { say "This prints 1: $var" }

  local $var = 2;
  defer { say "This prints 2: $var" }
((I have no strong thoughts yet on whether to specify and document - and thus guarantee - this coïncidence, or leave it unsaid.))


Non-local control flow (`next/last/redo`, `goto`, `return`) is not permitted to cross the boundary of the `defer` block


foreach my $item (@things) {
  defer { last; }  ## This is NOT permitted
Attempts to do this will throw an exception, likely worded something about


Attempting to 'last' out of a 'defer' block is not permitted at FILE line LINE.
Of course, nonlocal control flow is permitted entirely *within* the `defer` block; we only prohibit control flow that attempts to leave the block:


  defer {
    foreach my $i ( 1 .. 10 ) {
      last if $i == 5;  ## This is permitted
The one exception to this (pardon the pun) is that exceptions thrown from within the `defer` block propagate out to the caller. For example, in



sub f {
  defer { die "This is thrown\n"; }

the caller will see the exception being thrown in the same way as if it appeared in a regular (non-`defer`red) block. It is currently unspecified what happens if a `defer` block throws an exception while unwinding the stack because of an exception.



  defer { die "Exception A\n"; }
  die "Exception B\n";
In this case, the caller will definitely see *an* exception thrown from the code, but there is currently no guarantee whether that will be A, B, or some third kind of thing that is a combination of the two. This is intentionally left as scope for future expansion; at such time perl ever gains true object-like core exceptions, then it can be represented by some kind of "double exception" condition.


Backwards Compatibility 後方互換性

The new syntax `defer { BLOCK }` is guarded by a lexical feature guard. A static analyser that is not aware of that feature guard would get confused into thinking this is indirect call syntax; though this is no worse than basically any other feature-guarded keyword that controls a block (e.g. `try/catch`). For easy compatibility on older Perl versions, the CPAN implementation already mentioned above can be used. If this PPC succeeds at adding it as core syntax, a `Feature::Compat::Defer` module can be created for it in the same style as [`Feature::Compat::Try`](https://metacpan.org/pod/Feature::Compat::Try).

この新たなdefer { BLOCK } 構文は、レキシカルフィーチャーガードで守られます。フィーチャーガードを認識しない静的解析器の場合、間接呼び出し構文と誤解するかもしれませんが、これはtry/catchといったブロックを制御するフィーチャーガードで保護された他のキーワードと大差ありません。


Security Implications セキュリティへの影響

None foreseen.


Examples 例

A couple of small code examples are quoted above. Further, from the docs of `Syntax::Keyword::Defer`:


use feature 'defer';

  my $dbh = DBI->connect( ... ) or die "Cannot connect";
  defer { $dbh->disconnect; }

  my $sth = $dbh->prepare( ... ) or die "Cannot prepare";
  defer { $sth->finish; }


Prototype Implementation プロトタイプ実装

CPAN module `Syntax::Keyword::Defer` as already mentioned. In addition, I have a mostly-complete branch of bleadperl (somewhat behind since I haven't updated it for the 5.34 release yet) at https://github.com/leonerd/perl5/tree/defer I'm not happy with the way I implemented it yet (don't look at how I abused an SVOP to store the deferred optree) - it needs much tidying up and fixing for the various things I learned while writing the CPAN module version.

既に言及されているCPANモジュールのSyntax::Keyword::Deferがあります。 加えて、breadperlにほぼ完全なブランチがあります。(まだ5.34のリリースに関する更新を行ってないためいくらか遅れてます)



Future Scope 将来の見込み

If this PPC becomes implemented, it naturally follows to enquire whether the same mechanism that powers it could be used to add a `finally` clause to the `try/catch` syntax added in Perl 5.34. This remains an open question: while it doesn't any new ability, is the added expressive power and familiarity some users will have enough to justify there now being two ways to write the same thing? Additionally, once `defer` exists and if core exceptions ever gain some sort of metadata or object-like representation beyond simple strings, then the double-exception case mentioned above can be addressed.

このPPCが実装された場合、Perl 5.34で追加されたtry/catch構文にfinally句を追加するために、この同じ仕組みを利用するかどうかという疑問が自然に沸きます。この問は未解決です。つまり、新たな能力ではなく、新たな表現力と一部のユーザが慣れた方法であることが、同じ事を書くのに2つのやり方を持たせるに足る正当な理由かどうか?


Rejected Ideas 却下されたアイデア

On the subject of naming, this was originally called `LEAVE {}`, which was rejected because its semantics don't match the Raku language feature of the same name. It was then renamed to `FINALLY {}` where it was implemented on CPAN. This has been rejected too on grounds that it's too similar to the proposed `try/catch/finally`, and it shouldn't be a SHOUTY PHASER BLOCK. All the SHOUTY PHASER BLOCKS are declarations, activated by their mere presence at compiletime, whereas `defer {}` is a statement which only takes effect if dynamic execution actually encounters it. The p5p mailing list and the CPAN module's RT queue both contain various other rejected naming ideas, such as UNWIND, UNSTACK, CLEANUP, to name three. Another rejected idea is that of conditional enqueue:

名称について言えば、元々はLEAVE {}と呼んでいました。ですが、Raku言語の同名のものと意味が一致しないため却下されました。その後、CPANで実装された時、FINALLY {}と改名されました。ですが、try/catch/finallyと似すぎているため、また、SHOUTY PHASER BLOCKであるべきではないといった理由で却下されました。全てのSHOUTY PHASER BLOCKは宣言であり、コンパイル時に単に存在するだけで、活性化されます。一方、defer {}は実行時に実際に遭遇した場合のみ効果を発揮します。p5pのメーリングリストやそのCPANモジュールのRTには、UNWIND、UNSTACK、CLEANUPといった様々な却下された命名案が残っています。


defer if (EXPR) { BLOCK }
as this adds quite a bit of complication to the grammar, for little benefit. As currently the grammar requires a brace-delimited block to immediately follow the `defer` keyword, it is possible that other ideas - such as this one - could be considered at a later date however.


Open Issues

Design-wise I don't feel there are any remaining unresolved questions. Implementation-wise the code still requires some work to finish it off; it is not yet in a merge-ready state.




Copyright (C) 2021, Paul Evans.

This document and code and documentation within it may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.