Mojolicious-8.12 > Mojolicious::Guides::Routing


Mojolicious::Guides::Routing - Routing requests

Mojolicious::Guides::Routing - ルーティングリクエスト


This document contains a simple and fun introduction to the Mojolicious router and its underlying concepts.



Essentials every Mojolicious developer should know.



The foundation of every web framework is a tiny black box connecting incoming requests with code generating the appropriate response.


  GET /user/show/1 -> $c->render(text => 'Daniel');

This black box is usually called a dispatcher. There are many implementations using different strategies to establish these connections, but pretty much all are based around mapping the path part of the request URL to some kind of response generator.


  /user/show/2 -> $c->render(text => 'Isabell');
  /user/show/3 -> $c->render(text => 'Sara');
  /user/show/4 -> $c->render(text => 'Stefan');
  /user/show/5 -> $c->render(text => 'Fynn');

While it is very well possible to make all these connections static, it is also rather inefficient. That's why regular expressions are commonly used to make the dispatch process more dynamic.


  qr!/user/show/(\d+)! -> $c->render(text => $users{$1});

Modern dispatchers have pretty much everything HTTP has to offer at their disposal and can use many more variables than just the request path, such as request method and headers like Host, User-Agent and Accept.

モダンなディスパッチャは、HTTPが持つ機能の大部を自前で用意していて、リクエストパスにくわえてHost, User-Agent, Acceptといったその他さまざまな変数を利用できます。

  GET /user/show/23 HTTP/1.1
  User-Agent: Mojolicious (Perl)
  Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8


While regular expressions are quite powerful they also tend to be unpleasant to look at and are generally overkill for ordinary path matching.


  qr!/user/show/(\d+)! -> $c->render(text => $users{$1});

This is where routes come into play, they have been designed from the ground up to represent paths with placeholders.


  /user/show/:id -> $c->render(text => $users{$id});

The only difference between a static path and the route above is the :id placeholder. One or more placeholders can be anywhere in the route.



A fundamental concept of the Mojolicious router is that extracted placeholder values are turned into a hash.


  /user/show/23 -> /user/:action/:id -> {action => 'show', id => 23}

This hash is basically the center of every Mojolicious application, you will learn more about this later on. Internally, routes get compiled to regular expressions, so you can get the best of both worlds with a little bit of experience.


  /user/show/:id -> qr/(?-xism:^\/user\/show\/([^\/.]+))/

A trailing slash in the path is always optional.


  /user/show/23/ -> /user/:action/:id -> {action => 'show', id => 23}


One more huge advantage routes have over regular expressions is that they are easily reversible, extracted placeholders can be turned back into a path at any time.


  /sebastian -> /:name -> {name => 'sebastian'}
  {name => 'sebastian'} -> /:name -> /sebastian

Every placeholder has a name, even if it's just an empty string.



Standard placeholders are the simplest form of placeholders, they use a colon prefix and match all characters except / and ., similar to the regular expression ([^/.]+).


  /hello              -> /:name/hello -> undef
  /sebastian/23/hello -> /:name/hello -> undef
  /sebastian.23/hello -> /:name/hello -> undef
  /sebastian/hello    -> /:name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian'}
  /sebastian23/hello  -> /:name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian23'}
  /sebastian 23/hello -> /:name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian 23'}

All placeholders can be surrounded by < and > to separate them from the surrounding text.

プレースホルダーは、<> で囲むことによって周囲の文字列と区別できます。

  /hello             -> /<:name>hello -> undef
  /sebastian/23hello -> /<:name>hello -> undef
  /sebastian.23hello -> /<:name>hello -> undef
  /sebastianhello    -> /<:name>hello -> {name => 'sebastian'}
  /sebastian23hello  -> /<:name>hello -> {name => 'sebastian23'}
  /sebastian 23hello -> /<:name>hello -> {name => 'sebastian 23'}

The colon prefix is optional for standard placeholders that are surrounded by < and >.


  /i♥mojolicious -> /<one>♥<two> -> {one => 'i', two => 'mojolicious'}


Relaxed placeholders are just like standard placeholders, but use a hash prefix and match all characters except /, similar to the regular expression ([^/]+).


  /hello              -> /#name/hello -> undef
  /sebastian/23/hello -> /#name/hello -> undef
  /sebastian.23/hello -> /#name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian.23'}
  /sebastian/hello    -> /#name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian'}
  /sebastian23/hello  -> /#name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian23'}
  /sebastian 23/hello -> /#name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian 23'}

They can be especially useful for manually matching file names with extensions, rather than using format detection.


  /music/song.mp3 -> /music/#filename -> {filename => 'song.mp3'}


Wildcard placeholders are just like the two types of placeholders above, but use an asterisk prefix and match absolutely everything, including / and ., similar to the regular expression (.+).

ワイルドカードプレースホルダーは、先に紹介したふたつのプレースホルダーに似ていますが、 アスタリスクをプレフィックスに取り/.を含むすべてにマッチします。正規表現の(.+)に似ています。

  /hello              -> /*name/hello -> undef
  /sebastian/23/hello -> /*name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian/23'}
  /sebastian.23/hello -> /*name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian.23'}
  /sebastian/hello    -> /*name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian'}
  /sebastian23/hello  -> /*name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian23'}
  /sebastian 23/hello -> /*name/hello -> {name => 'sebastian 23'}

They can be useful for manually matching entire file paths.


  /music/rock/song.mp3 -> /music/*filepath -> {filepath => 'rock/song.mp3'}


Most commonly used features every Mojolicious developer should know about.



The attribute "routes" in Mojolicious contains a router you can use to generate route structures.

"routes" in Mojolicious属性はルーティング構造を生成するために使用できるルーターを含みます。

  # Application
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
  # アプリケーション
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

  sub startup {
    my $self = shift;
    # Router
    my $r = $self->routes;
    # ルーター
    my $r = $self->routes;
    # Route
    $r->get('/welcome')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'welcome');
    # ルーティング
    $r->get('/welcome')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'welcome');


The minimal route above will load and instantiate the class MyApp::Controller::Foo and call its welcome method. Routes are usually configured in the startup method of the application class, but the router can be accessed from everywhere (even at runtime).


  # Controller
  package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
  # コントローラー
  package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
  # Action
  sub welcome {
    my $self = shift;
  # アクション
  sub welcome {
    my $self = shift;
    # Render response
    $self->render(text => 'Hello there.');
    # レスポンスの描画
    $self->render(text => 'Hello there.');


All routes match in the same order in which they were defined, and matching stops as soon as a suitable route has been found. So you can improve the routing performance by declaring your most frequently accessed routes first. A routing cache will also be used automatically to handle sudden traffic spikes more gracefully.



After you start a new route with methods like "get" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route, you can also give it a destination in the form of a hash using the chained method "to" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route.

"get" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeメソッドで新しいルーティングを開始した後、 "to" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeメソッドをチェーンして、行き先をハッシュ形式で与えることができます。

  # /welcome -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'welcome'}
  $r->get('/welcome')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'welcome');

Now if the route matches an incoming request it will use the content of this hash to try and find appropriate code to generate a response.

"route" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeメソッドで、受信したリクエストにルーティングがマッチすれば、 "to" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeメソッドを使ったハッシュの内容を使って レスポンスを生成するために適切なコードを見つけようとします。


There are already shortcuts for the most common HTTP request methods like "post" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route, and for more control "any" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route accepts an optional array reference with arbitrary request methods as first argument.

よく使われるほとんどのHTTPリクエストメソッドにはショートカットがあらかじめ用意されていて、そのひとつに"post" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeがあります。もっとコントロールしたい場合は、 "any" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeを使えば、第一引数に配列レファレンスを渡すことによって、任意のリクエストメソッドを指定できます。

  # PUT /hello  -> undef
  # GET /hello  -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'hello'}
  $r->get('/hello')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'hello');

  # PUT /hello -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'hello'}
  $r->put('/hello')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'hello');

  # POST /hello -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'hello'}
  $r->post('/hello')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'hello');

  # GET|POST /bye  -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bye'}
  $r->any(['GET', 'POST'] => '/bye')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'bye');

  # * /whatever -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'whatever'}
  $r->any('/whatever')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'whatever');

There is one small exception, HEAD requests are considered equal to GET, but content will not be sent with the response even if it is present.

ひとつの小さな例外として、HEADリクエストはGETリクエストと同じものとみなされますが、 コンテンツはたとえ存在したとしてもレスポンスで送信されません。

  # GET /test  -> {controller => 'bar', action => 'test'}
  # HEAD /test -> {controller => 'bar', action => 'test'}
  $r->get('/test')->to(controller => 'bar', action => 'test');

You can also use the _method query parameter to override the request method. This can be very useful when submitting forms with browsers that only support GET and POST.

_methodクエリパラメータを使用してリクエストメソッドをオーバーライドすることもできます。 GETPOSTのみをサポートするブラウザでフォームを送信するとき、これは非常に役に立ちます。

  # PUT  /stuff             -> {controller => 'baz', action => 'stuff'}
  # POST /stuff?_method=PUT -> {controller => 'baz', action => 'stuff'}
  $r->put('/stuff')->to(controller => 'baz', action => 'stuff');


IRIs are handled transparently, that means paths are guaranteed to be unescaped and decoded from bytes to characters.


  # GET /☃ (Unicode snowman) -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'snowman'}
  $r->get('/☃')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'snowman');


The generated hash of a matching route is actually the center of the whole Mojolicious request cycle. We call it the stash, and it persists until a response has been generated.


  # /bye -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bye', mymessage => 'Bye'}
    ->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'bye', mymessage => 'Bye');

There are a few stash values with special meaning, such as controller and action, but you can generally fill it with whatever data you need to generate a response. Once dispatched the whole stash content can be changed at any time.


  sub bye {
    my $self = shift;
    # Get message from stash
    my $msg = $self->stash('mymessage');
    # スタッシュからメッセージを得る
    my $msg = $self->stash('mymessage');
    # Change message in stash
    $self->stash(mymessage => 'Welcome');
    # スタッシュのメッセージを変更
    $self->stash(mymessage => 'Welcome');

For a full list of reserved stash values see "stash" in Mojolicious::Controller.

すべての予約された値を見るには"stash" in Mojolicious::Controllerを参考にしてください。


It is also possible to build tree structures from routes to remove repetitive code. A route with children can't match on its own though, only the actual endpoints of these nested routes can.

重複するコードを取り除くために、ルーティングから木構造を構築することも可能です。子を持つルーティングは自身にはマッチしません。それらのネストしたルーティング の実際のエンドポイントだけがマッチします。

  # /foo     -> undef
  # /foo/bar -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'}
  my $foo = $r->any('/foo')->to(controller => 'foo');
  $foo->get('/bar')->to(action => 'bar');

The stash is simply inherited from route to route and newer values override old ones.


  # /cats      -> {controller => 'cats', action => 'index'}
  # /cats/nyan -> {controller => 'cats', action => 'nyan'}
  # /cats/lol  -> {controller => 'cats', action => 'default'}
  my $cats = $r->any('/cats')->to(controller => 'cats', action => 'default');
  $cats->get('/')->to(action => 'index');
  $cats->get('/nyan')->to(action => 'nyan');

With a few common prefixes you can also greatly improve the routing performance of applications with many routes, because children are only tried if the prefix matched first.



When the dispatcher sees controller and action values in the stash it will always try to turn them into a class and method to dispatch to. The controller value gets converted from snake_case to CamelCase using "camelize" in Mojo::Util and appended to one or more namespaces, defaulting to a controller namespace based on the application class (MyApp::Controller), as well as the bare application class (MyApp), and these namespaces are searched in that order. The action value is not changed at all, so both values are case-sensitive.

ディスパチャはスタッシュの中のcontrolleractionの値を見るとき、いつでもそれらをディスパッチ先のクラスとメソッドに変換しようとします。controllerの値は"camelize" in Mojo::Utilによってsnake_caseからCamelCaseに変換され、ひとつかそれ以上のネームスペースの後ろに追加されます。デフォルトで追加先となるのは、アプリケーションクラス(MyApp::Controller)に基づくコントローラーネームスペースと素のアプリケーションクラス(MyApp)です。これらのネームスペースが順番に検索されます。このため両方の値は大文字と小文字が区別されます。

  # Application
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
  # アプリケーション
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

  sub startup {
    my $self = shift;

    # /bye -> MyApp::Controller::Foo->bye
    $self->routes->get('/bye')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'bye');

  # Controller
  package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
  # コントローラー
  package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
  # Action
  sub bye {
    my $self = shift;
  # アクション
  sub bye {
    my $self = shift;
    # Render response
    $self->render(text => 'Good bye.');
    # レスポンスの描画
    $self->render(text => 'Good bye.');


Controller classes are perfect for organizing code in larger projects. There are more dispatch strategies, but because controllers are the most commonly used ones they also got a special shortcut in the form of controller#action.


  # /bye -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bye', mymessage => 'Bye'}
  $r->get('/bye')->to('foo#bye', mymessage => 'Bye');

During camelization - characters get replaced with ::, this allows multi-level controller hierarchies.


  # / -> MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar->hi

You can also just specify the controller in CamelCase form instead of snake_case.


  # / -> MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar->hi

For security reasons the dispatcher will always check if the controller is actually a subclass of Mojolicious::Controller or Mojo before dispatching to it.



You can use the namespace stash value to change the namespace of a whole route with all its children.


  # /bye -> MyApp::MyController::Foo::Bar->bye
    ->to(namespace => 'MyApp::MyController::Foo::Bar', action => 'bye');

The controller is always converted from snake_case to CamelCase with "camelize" in Mojo::Util, and then appended to this namespace.

controllerは、常にsnake_caseからCamelCase"camelize" in Mojo::Utilによって変換され、このnamespaceの後ろに追加されます。

  # /bye -> MyApp::MyController::Foo::Bar->bye
  $r->get('/bye')->to('foo-bar#bye', namespace => 'MyApp::MyController');

  # /hey -> MyApp::MyController::Foo::Bar->hey
  $r->get('/hey')->to('Foo::Bar#hey', namespace => 'MyApp::MyController');

You can also change the default namespaces for all routes in the application with the router attribute "namespaces" in Mojolicious::Routes, which usually defaults to a namespace based on the application class (MyApp::Controller), as well as the bare application class (MyApp).

ルーター属性"namespaces" in Mojolicious::Routesを使用して、アプリケーション内のすべてのルーティングは、デフォルトの名前空間を変更することもできます。通常、デフォルトはアプリケーションクラス(MyApp::Controller)および素のアプリケーションクラス(MyApp)に基づく名前空間になります。



The cb stash value, which won't be inherited by nested routes, can be used to bypass controllers and execute a callback instead.


  $r->get('/bye')->to(cb => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    $c->render(text => 'Good bye.');

But just like in Mojolicious::Lite you can also pass the callback directly, which usually looks much better.


  $r->get('/bye' => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    $c->render(text => 'Good bye.');


Naming your routes will allow backreferencing in many methods and helpers throughout the whole framework, most of which internally rely on "url_for" in Mojolicious::Controller for this.

ルーティングに名前をつければフレームワーク全体をとおして、多くのメソッドとヘルパー関数から逆引きできるようになります。ほとんどの場合、この機能は内部的に"url_for" in Mojolicious::Controllerを頼りにしています。

  # /foo/marcus -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', user => 'marcus'}
  # Generate URL "/foo/marcus" for route "baz"
  my $url = $c->url_for('baz');
  # URL "/foo/marcus" for route "baz" を生成
  my $url = $c->url_for('baz');
  # Generate URL "/foo/jan" for route "baz"
  my $url = $c->url_for('baz', user => 'jan');
  # URL "/foo/jan" for route "baz" を生成
  my $url = $c->url_for('baz', user => 'jan');
  # Generate URL "" for route "baz"
  my $url = $c->url_for('baz', user => 'jan')->to_abs;
  # URL "" for route "baz" を生成
  my $url = $c->url_for('baz', user => 'jan')->to_abs;

You can assign a name with "name" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route, or let the router generate one automatically, which would be equal to the route itself without non-word characters, custom names have a higher precedence though.

"name" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeで名前をつけることができます。または、ルーターが自動的に名前を生成するようにします。これはノンワード文字を含まないルート自体と同じになりますが、カスタム名の方が優先されます。

  # /foo/bar ("foobar")
  # Generate URL "/foo/bar"
  my $url = $c->url_for('foobar');
  # URL "/foo/bar"を生成
  my $url = $c->url_for('foobar');

To refer to the current route you can use the reserved name current or no name at all.


  # Generate URL for current route
  my $url = $c->url_for('current');
  my $url = $c->url_for;

To check or get the name of the current route you can use the helper "current_route" in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.

"current_route" in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpersで 現在のルーティング名をチェックあるいは取得できます。

  # Name for current route
  my $name = $c->current_route;
  # 現在のルーティング名
  my $name = $c->current_route;
  # Check route name in code shared by multiple routes
  $c->stash(button => 'green') if $c->current_route('login');
  # 複数のルーティングで共有されるコードにおいてルーティング名をチェック
  $c->stash(button => 'green') if $c->current_route('login');


Extracted placeholder values will simply redefine older stash values if they already exist.


  # /bye -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', mymessage => 'bye'}
  # /hey -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', mymessage => 'hey'}
  $r->get('/:mymessage')->to('foo#bar', mymessage => 'hi');

One more interesting effect, a placeholder automatically becomes optional if there is already a stash value of the same name present, this works similar to the regular expression ([^/.]+)?.


  # / -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', mymessage => 'hi'}
  $r->get('/:mymessage')->to('foo#bar', mymessage => 'hi');

  # /test/123     -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', mymessage => 'hi'}
  # /test/bye/123 -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', mymessage => 'bye'}
  $r->get('/test/:mymessage/123')->to('foo#bar', mymessage => 'hi');

And if two optional placeholders are only separated by a slash, that slash can become optional as well.

ふたつのオプショナルなプレースホルダーが、スラッシュによって分割されている場合だけ、 スラッシュはオプショナルなものになります。

  # /           -> {controller => 'foo',   action => 'bar'}
  # /users      -> {controller => 'users', action => 'bar'}
  # /users/list -> {controller => 'users', action => 'list'}

Special stash values like controller and action can also be placeholders, which is very convenient especially during development, but should only be used very carefully, because every controller method becomes a potential route. All uppercase methods as well as those starting with an underscore are automatically hidden from the router and you can use "hide" in Mojolicious::Routes to add additional ones.

controlleractionなどの特別なスタッシュの値もまたプレースホルダーとなりえます。これによってきわめて柔軟なルーティングの構築が可能になります。これは開発の間は特にとても便利ですが、すべてのコントローラーメソッドがルーティングになる可能性があるので、注意深く利用すべきです。アンダースコアで始まるこれらのメソッドと同じように、すべての大文字のメソッドは自動的にルーターから隠されます。隠す対象を追加するためには"hide" in Mojolicious::Routesを使うこともできます。

  # Hide "create" method in all controllers
  # すべてのコントローラーで"create"メソッドを隠す

This has already been done for all attributes and methods from Mojolicious::Controller.



A very easy way to make placeholders more restrictive are alternatives, you just make a list of possible values, which then work similar to the regular expression (bender|leela).


  # /fry    -> undef
  # /bender -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', name => 'bender'}
  # /leela  -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', name => 'leela'}
  $r->get('/:name' => [name => ['bender', 'leela']])->to('foo#bar');

You can also adjust the regular expressions behind placeholders directly, just make sure not to use ^ and $ or capturing groups (...), because placeholders become part of a larger regular expression internally, non-capturing groups (?:...) are fine though.


  # /23   -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', number => 23}
  # /test -> undef
  $r->get('/:number' => [number => qr/\d+/])->to('foo#bar');

  # /23   -> undef
  # /test -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', name => 'test'}
  $r->get('/:name' => [name => qr/[a-zA-Z]+/])->to('foo#bar');

This way you get easily readable routes and the raw power of regular expressions.



And if you have multiple routes using restrictive placeholders you can also turn them into placeholder types with "add_type" in Mojolicious::Routes.

また、制限的なプレースホルダを使用するルーティングが複数ある場合は、それらを"add_type" in Mojolicious::Routesでプレースホルダ型に変えることもできます。

  # A type with alternatives
  $r->add_type(futurama_name => ['bender', 'leela']);
  # リストを使った型
  $r->add_type(futurama_name => ['bender', 'leela']);

  # /fry    -> undef
  # /bender -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', name => 'bender'}
  # /leela  -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', name => 'leela'}

Placeholder types work just like restrictive placeholders, they are just reusable with the <placeholder:type> notation.


  # A type adjusting the regular expression
  $r->add_type(upper => qr/[A-Z]+/);
  # 正規表現を適応させる型
  $r->add_type(upper => qr/[A-Z]+/);

  # /user/ROOT -> {controller => 'users', action => 'show', name => 'ROOT'}
  # /user/root -> undef
  # /user/23   -> undef

Some types like num are used so commonly that they are available by default.


  # /article/12   -> {controller => 'article', action => 'show', id => 12}
  # /article/test -> undef

For a full list of available placeholder types see also "TYPES" in Mojolicious::Routes.

利用可能なプレースホルダタイプの全リストについては"TYPES" in Mojolicious::Routesも見てください 。


The command Mojolicious::Command::routes can be used from the command line to list all available routes together with names and underlying regular expressions.


  $ ./ routes -v
  /foo/:name  ....  POST  fooname  ^/foo/([^/.]+)/?(?:\.([^/]+))?$
  /bar        ..U.  *     bar      ^/bar
    +/baz     ...W  GET   baz      ^/baz/?(?:\.([^/]+))?$
  /yada       ....  *     yada     ^/yada/?(?:\.([^/]+))?$

アンダー (Under)

To share code with multiple nested routes you can use "under" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route, because unlike normal nested routes, the routes generated with it have their own intermediate destination and result in additional dispatch cycles when they match.

複数階層にネストしたルーティングのコードを共有するには、"under" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeメソッドが利用できます。通常のネストしたルーティングとは異なり、この方法で生成されたルーティングはそれぞれが中間目的地を持ち、マッチしたときに追加のディスパッチサイクルが開始します。

  # /foo     -> undef
  # /foo/bar -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'baz'}
  #             {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'}
  my $foo = $r->under('/foo')->to('foo#baz');

The actual action code for this destination needs to return a true value or the dispatch chain will be broken, this can be a very powerful tool for authentication.


  # /blackjack -> {cb => sub {...}}
  #               {controller => 'hideout', action => 'blackjack'}
  my $auth = $r->under('/' => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    # Authenticated
    return 1 if $c->req->headers->header('X-Bender');
    # 認証済み
    return 1 if $c->req->headers->header('X-Bender');
    # Not authenticated
    $c->render(text => "You're not Bender.", status => 401);
    return undef;
    # 未認証
    $c->render(text => "You're not Bender.", status => 401);
    return undef;

Broken dispatch chains can be continued by calling "continue" in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers, this allows for example, non-blocking operations to finish before reaching the next dispatch cycle.

壊れたディスパッチチェーンは "continue" in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpersメソッドを呼び出すことによって続けることができます。これによって、たとえば、ノンブロッキング処理を次のディスパッチサイクルに到達する前に終了させることができます。

  my $maybe = $r->under('/maybe' => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    # Wait 3 seconds and then give visitors a 50% chance to continue
    Mojo::IOLoop->timer(3 => sub {
    # 3秒まって、50%の確率で継続する
    Mojo::IOLoop->timer(3 => sub {
      # Loser
      return $c->render(text => 'No luck.') unless int rand 2;
      # 負け
      return $c->render(text => 'No luck.') unless int rand 2;
      # Winner
      # 勝ち

    return undef;

Every destination is just a snapshot of the stash at the time the route matched, and only the format value is shared by all of them. For a little more power you can introspect the preceding and succeeding destinations with "match" in Mojolicious::Controller.

それぞれの目的地は、単にルートがマッチした時点でのスタッシュのスナップショットで、format の値のみがこれら全てで共有されます。もう少し強力にするには、"match" in Mojolicious::Controller で前後の目的地を詳しく調べてください。

  # Action of the fourth dispatch cycle
  my $action = $c->match->stack->[3]{action};
  # 4回目のディスパッチサイクルのアクション
  my $action = $c->match->stack->[3]{action};


File extensions like .html and .txt at the end of a route are automatically detected and stored in the stash value format.


  # /foo      -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'}
  # /foo.html -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', format => 'html'}
  # /foo.txt  -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', format => 'txt'}

This for example, allows multiple templates in different formats to share the same action code. Restrictive placeholders can also be used to limit the allowed formats.


  # /foo.txt -> undef
  # /foo.rss -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', format => 'rss'}
  # /foo.xml -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', format => 'xml'}
  $r->get('/foo' => [format => ['rss', 'xml']])->to('foo#bar');

A format value can also be passed to "url_for" in Mojolicious::Controller.

format値は"url_for" in Mojolicious::Controller にも渡すことができます。

  # /foo/bar.txt -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar', format => 'txt'}

  # Generate URL "/foo/bar.txt" for route "baz"
  my $url = $c->url_for('baz', action => 'bar', format => 'txt');

Or you can just disable format detection with a special type of restrictive placeholder, which gets inherited by nested routes, and then re-enable it on demand.


  # /foo      -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'}
  # /foo.html -> undef
  $r->get('/foo' => [format => 0])->to('foo#bar');

  # /foo      -> {controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'}
  # /foo.html -> undef
  # /baz      -> undef
  # /baz.txt  -> {controller => 'baz', action => 'yada', format => 'txt'}
  # /baz.html -> {controller => 'baz', action => 'yada', format => 'html'}
  # /baz.xml  -> undef
  my $inactive = $r->under([format => 0]);
  $inactive->get('/baz' => [format => ['txt', 'html']])->to('baz#yada');


With the method "websocket" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route you can restrict access to WebSocket handshakes, which are normal GET requests with some additional information.

"websocket" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeメソッドを使ってWebSocketハンドシェイクへのアクセスを制限できます。WebSocketハンドシェイクとは、普通のGETリクエストに追加の情報がついたものです。

  # /echo (WebSocket handshake)
  # Controller
  package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
  # コントローラー
  package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
  # Action
  sub echo {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->on(message => sub {
      my ($self, $msg) = @_;
      $self->send("echo: $msg");
  # アクション
  sub echo {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->on(message => sub {
      my ($self, $msg) = @_;
      $self->send("echo: $msg");


The connection gets established when you respond to the WebSocket handshake request with a 101 response status, which happens automatically if you subscribe to an event with "on" in Mojolicious::Controller or send a message with "send" in Mojolicious::Controller right away.

WebSocketハンドシェイクリクエストに、101レスポンスで応答したときに、コネクションは確立されます。このレスポンスは、"on" in Mojolicious::Controllerでイベントを定期受信したとき、また"send" in Mojolicious::Controllerでメッセージを送ったときに、自動的に発生します。

  GET /echo HTTP/1.1
  User-Agent: Mojolicious (Perl)
  Connection: Upgrade
  Upgrade: websocket
  Sec-WebSocket-Key: IDM3ODE4NDk2MjA1OTcxOQ==
  Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

  HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
  Server: Mojolicious (Perl)
  Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2015 17:08:24 GMT
  Connection: Upgrade
  Upgrade: websocket
  Sec-WebSocket-Accept: SWsp5N2iNxPbHlcOTIw8ERvyVPY=


Since routes match in the order in which they were defined, you can catch all requests that did not match in your last route with an optional wildcard placeholder.

定義された順番でルートはマッチするので、 オプショナルなワイルドカードプレースホルダーによって、 最後のルートにおいてマッチしなかった すべてのリクエストをキャッチできます。

  # * /*
  $r->any('/*whatever' => {whatever => ''} => sub {
    my $c        = shift;
    my $whatever = $c->param('whatever');
    $c->render(text => "/$whatever did not match.", status => 404);


Conditions such as headers, agent and host from Mojolicious::Plugin::HeaderCondition can be applied to any route with the method "over" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route, and allow even more powerful route constructs.

Mojolicious::Plugin::HeaderConditionheadersagenthostメソッドなどは、"over" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeメソッドを使って任意のルーティングに適用できます。これによって、さらに強力なルートを構成できるようになります。

  # / (Origin:
  $r->get('/')->over(headers => {Origin => qr/perl\.org/})->to('foo#bar');

  # / (Firefox)
  $r->get('/')->over(agent => qr/Firefox/)->to('browser-test#firefox');

  # / (Internet Explorer)
  $r->get('/')->over(agent => qr/Internet Explorer/)->to('browser-test#ie');

  $r->get('/perldoc')->over(host => '')->to('perldoc#index');

Just be aware that conditions are too complex for the routing cache, which normally speeds up recurring requests, and can therefore reduce performance.



Hooks operate outside the routing system and allow you to extend the framework itself by sharing code with all requests indiscriminately through "hook" in Mojolicious, which makes them a very powerful tool especially for plugins.

フックはルーティングシステムの外側で実行され、 "hook" in Mojoliciousを使って、 すべてのリクエストでコードを共有することによって フレームワーク自体を拡張することを可能にします。これはプラグインのためのとても強力なツールです。

  # Application
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
  # アプリケーション
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

  sub startup {
    my $self = shift;
    # Check all requests for a "/test" prefix
    $self->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
      my $c = shift;
      $c->render(text => 'This request did not reach the router.')
        if $c->req->url->path->contains('/test');
    # "/test"プレフィックスを含んでいるすべてのリクエストをチェック
    $self->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
      my $c = shift;
      $c->render(text => 'This request did not reach the router.')
        if $c->req->url->path->contains('/test');
    # These will not be reached if the hook above renders a response
    my $r = $self->routes;
    # 上のフックがレスポンスを描画すれば、ここには到達しない。
    my $r = $self->routes;


Post-processing the response to add or remove headers is a very common use.


  # Make sure static files are cached
  $app->hook(after_static => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    $c->res->headers->cache_control('max-age=3600, must-revalidate');
  # 静的ファイルがキャッシュされるようにする
  $app->hook(after_static => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    $c->res->headers->cache_control('max-age=3600, must-revalidate');
  # Remove a default header
  $app->hook(after_dispatch => sub {
    my $c = shift;
  # デフォルトヘッダを削除
  $app->hook(after_dispatch => sub {
    my $c = shift;

Same for pre-processing the request.


  # Choose template variant based on request headers
  $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    return unless my $agent = $c->req->headers->user_agent;
    $c->stash(variant => 'ie') if $agent =~ /Internet Explorer/;
  # リクエストヘッダーに基づいてテンプレートバリアントを選択
  $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    return unless my $agent = $c->req->headers->user_agent;
    $c->stash(variant => 'ie') if $agent =~ /Internet Explorer/;

Or more advanced extensions to add monitoring to your application.


  # Forward exceptions to a web service
  $app->hook(after_dispatch => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    return unless my $e = $c->stash('exception');
    $c->ua->post('' => form => {exception => $e});
  # Webサービスに例外を通知する
  $app->hook(after_dispatch => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    return unless my $e = $c->stash('exception');
    $c->ua->post('' => form => {exception => $e});

You can even extend much of the core functionality.


  # Make controller object available to actions as $_
  $app->hook(around_action => sub {
    my ($next, $c, $action, $last) = @_;
    local $_ = $c;
    return $next->();
  # コントローラーオブジェクトをアクションの中で$_で利用できるようにする
  $app->hook(around_action => sub {
    my ($next, $c, $action, $last) = @_;
    local $_ = $c;
    return $next->();
  # Pass route name as argument to actions
  $app->hook(around_action => sub {
    my ($next, $c, $action, $last) = @_;
    return $c->$action($c->current_route);
  # ルーティング名をアクションへの引数として渡す
  $app->hook(around_action => sub {
    my ($next, $c, $action, $last) = @_;
    return $c->$action($c->current_route);

For a full list of available hooks see "HOOKS" in Mojolicious.

すべてのフックの一覧は "HOOKS" in Mojoliciousを見てください。


Less commonly used and more powerful features.



To make route generation more expressive, you can also add your own shortcuts with "add_shortcut" in Mojolicious::Routes.

ルート生成の表現力を高めるためには"add_shortcut" in Mojolicious::Routesを使って独自のショートカットを加えることができます。

  # Simple "resource" shortcut
  $r->add_shortcut(resource => sub {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;
  # 簡単な"resource"ショートカット
  $r->add_shortcut(resource => sub {
    my ($r, $name) = @_;
    # Prefix for resource
    my $resource = $r->any("/$name")->to("$name#");
    # リソースのプレフィックス
    my $resource = $r->any("/$name")->to("$name#");
    # Render a list of resources
    # リソースのリストの描画
    # Render a form to create a new resource (submitted to "store")
    # 新しいリソースを作成するために、フォームを描画する("store"へのサブミット)
    # Store newly created resource (submitted by "create")
    # 新しく作成したリソースを保存する ("create"によってサブミット)
    # Render a specific resource
    # 特別なリソースを描画する
    # Render a form to edit a resource (submitted to "update")
    # リソースを編集するためにフォームを描画する ("update"へのサブミット)
    # Store updated resource (submitted by "edit")
    # リソースをアップデートする("edit"によってサブミット)
    # Remove a resource
    # リソースを削除する

    return $resource;

  # GET /users         -> {controller => 'users', action => 'index'}
  # GET /users/create  -> {controller => 'users', action => 'create'}
  # POST /users        -> {controller => 'users', action => 'store'}
  # GET /users/23      -> {controller => 'users', action => 'show', id => 23}
  # GET /users/23/edit -> {controller => 'users', action => 'edit', id => 23}
  # PUT /users/23      -> {controller => 'users', action => 'update', id => 23}
  # DELETE /users/23   -> {controller => 'users', action => 'remove', id => 23}


From application startup until the first request has arrived, all routes can still be moved around or even removed with methods like "add_child" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route and "remove" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route.

アプリケーションが立ち上げってから最初のリクエストが処理されるまでは、すべてのルーティングは、 "add_child" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route"remove" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeなどによって 移動させたり、削除できます。

  # GET /example/show -> {controller => 'example', action => 'show'}
  my $show = $r->get('/show')->to('example#show');
  # Nothing
  # なし

Especially for rearranging routes created by plugins this can be very useful, to find routes by their name you can use "find" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route.

特にプラグインによって生成されたルーティングを再構成するためにとても便利でしょう。 "find" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeを使って名前によってルーティングを探すことができます。

  # GET /example/test -> {controller => 'example', action => 'test'}
  my $test = $r->find('test');
  $test->pattern->defaults({controller => 'example', action => 'test'});

Even the route pattern and destination can still be changed with "parse" in Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern and "defaults" in Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern.

さらにルーティングパターンと目的地は、"parse" in Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern"defaults" in Mojolicious::Routes::Patternを使ってまだ変更できます。


You can also add your own conditions with the method "add_condition" in Mojolicious::Routes. All conditions are basically router plugins that run every time a new request arrives, and which need to return a true value for the route to match.

独自の条件を"add_condition" in Mojolicious::Routesを使って追加できます。すべての条件は基本的には、新しいリクエストが到着するたびに実行されるルータープラグインです。条件は、 ルーティングとマッチしたときに真を返す必要があります。

  # A condition that randomly allows a route to match
  $r->add_condition(random => sub {
    my ($route, $c, $captures, $num) = @_;
  # ランダムでルーティングにマッチする条件
  $r->add_condition(random => sub {
    my ($route, $c, $captures, $num) = @_;
    # Loser
    return undef if int rand $num;
    # 負け
    return undef if int rand $num;
    # Winner
    return 1;
    # 勝ち
    return 1;
  # /maybe (25% chance)
  $r->get('/maybe')->over(random => 4)->to('foo#bar');
  # /maybe(25% の確率)
  $r->get('/maybe')->over(random => 4)->to('foo#bar');

Use whatever request information you need.


  # A condition to check query parameters (useful for mock web services)
  $r->add_condition(query => sub {
    my ($route, $c, $captures, $hash) = @_;
  # クエリパラメーターをチェックする条件(モックウェブサービスに便利)
  $r->add_condition(query => sub {
    my ($route, $c, $captures, $hash) = @_;

    for my $key (keys %$hash) {
      my $param = $c->req->url->query->param($key);
      return undef unless defined $param && $param eq $hash->{$key};

    return 1;

  # /hello?to=world&test=1
  $r->get('/hello')->over(query => {test => 1, to => 'world'})->to('foo#bar');


You can also package your conditions as reusable plugins.


  # Plugin
  package Mojolicious::Plugin::WerewolfCondition;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
  # プラグイン
  package Mojolicious::Plugin::WerewolfCondition;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';

  use Astro::MoonPhase;

  sub register {
    my ($self, $app) = @_;
    # Add "werewolf" condition
    $app->routes->add_condition(werewolf => sub {
      my ($route, $c, $captures, $days) = @_;
    # “おおかみ男(werewolf)”条件を追加
    $app->routes->add_condition(werewolf => sub {
      my ($route, $c, $captures, $days) = @_;
      # Keep the werewolves out!
      return undef if abs(14 - (phase(time))[2]) > ($days / 2);
      # おおかみ男を入れるな!
      return undef if abs(14 - (phase(time))[2]) > ($days / 2);
      # It's ok, no werewolf
      return 1;
      # 大丈夫だ、おおかみ男ではない
      return 1;


Now just load the plugin and you are ready to use the condition in all your applications.


  # Application
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
  # アプリケーション
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

  sub startup {
    my $self = shift;
    # Plugin
    # プラグイン
    # /hideout (keep them out for 4 days after full moon)
    $self->routes->get('/hideout')->over(werewolf => 4)
      ->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'bar');
    # /hideout(満月から4日間は中に入れない)
    $self->routes->get('/hideout')->over(werewolf => 4)
      ->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'bar');



The easiest way to embed one application into another is Mojolicious::Plugin::Mount, which allows you to mount whole self-contained applications under a domain and/or prefix.


  use Mojolicious::Lite;
  # Whole application mounted under "/prefix"
  plugin Mount => {'/prefix' => '/home/sri/'};
  # "/prefix"の下に完全なアプリケーションをマウント
  plugin Mount => {'/prefix' => '/home/sri/'};
  # Mount application with subdomain
  plugin Mount => {'' => '/home/sri/'};
  # サブドメインでアプリケーションをマウント
  plugin Mount => {'' => '/home/sri/'};
  # Normal route
  get '/' => sub { shift->render(text => 'Hello World!') };
  # 普通のルート
  get '/' => sub { shift->render(text => 'Hello World!') };



For a little more power you can also embed applications by using them instead of a controller. This allows for example, the use of the Mojolicious::Lite domain specific language in normal Mojolicious controllers.


  # Controller
  package MyApp::Controller::Bar;
  use Mojolicious::Lite;
  # コントローラー
  package MyApp::Controller::Bar;
  use Mojolicious::Lite;

  # /hello
  get '/hello' => sub {
    my $c    = shift;
    my $name = $c->param('name');
    $c->render(text => "Hello $name.");


With the method "detour" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route which is very similar to "to" in Mojolicious::Routes::Route, you can allow the route to partially match and use only the remaining path in the embedded application, the base path will be passed along in the path stash value.

"to" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeにとてもよく似ている"detour" in Mojolicious::Routes::Routeを使えば、 埋め込みのアプリケーションの中で、ルーティングを部分的にマッチさせ、残ったパスだけを使用できます。ベースパスはpathスタッシュ値として引き渡されます。

  # /foo/*
  $r->any('/foo')->detour('bar#', name => 'Mojo');

A minimal embeddable application is nothing more than a subclass of Mojolicious, containing a handler method accepting Mojolicious::Controller objects.


  package MyApp::Controller::Bar;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

  sub handler {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;
    my $name = $c->param('name');
    $c->res->body("Hello $name.");


The host application will only share very little information with the embedded application through the stash. So you cannot currently use route placeholders in routes leading to embedded applications, since that would cause problems with "url_for" in Mojolicious::Controller.

ホストアプリケーションはスタッシュを通して組み込みアプリケーションとほとんど情報を共有しません。そのため、"url_for" in Mojolicious::Controllerで問題が発生する可能性があるため、現在組み込みアプリケーションに至るルーティングにおいてルーティングプレースホルダーを使用することはできません。


You can even package applications as self-contained reusable plugins.


  # Plugin
  package Mojolicious::Plugin::MyEmbeddedApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
  # プラグイン
  package Mojolicious::Plugin::MyEmbeddedApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';

  sub register {
    my ($self, $app) = @_;
    # Automatically add route
    $app->routes->any('/foo')->detour(app => EmbeddedApp::app());
    # ルートを自動的に追加
    $app->routes->any('/foo')->detour(app => EmbeddedApp::app());

  package EmbeddedApp;
  use Mojolicious::Lite;

  get '/bar' => 'bar';

  @@ bar.html.ep
  Hello World!

The app stash value, which won't be inherited by nested routes, can be used for already instantiated applications. Now just load the plugin and you're done.


  # Application
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
  # アプリケーション
  package MyApp;
  use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

  sub startup {
    my $self = shift;
    # Plugin
    # プラグイン



You can continue with Mojolicious::Guides now or take a look at the Mojolicious wiki, which contains a lot more documentation and examples by many different authors.

さあ、Mojolicious::Guides を続けるか、Mojolicious wikiを見てみましょう。多くの著者がドキュメントやサンプルをたくさん書いています。


If you have any questions the documentation might not yet answer, don't hesitate to ask on the mailing list or the official IRC channel #mojo on (chat now!).

このドキュメントでわからない部分があれば、 mailing (chat now!)の公式IRCチャンネル #mojo まで気軽に質問してください。